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Beginner expectations and a question on gear aquisition syndrome

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Board Doctor
On The Board Member
Joined: 12 months ago
Posts: 302

Posted by: @wild-cherry

Indeed...  I've long been arguing that sidecut depth is a more accurate predictor of turn shape than sidecut radius.  Seems @board-doctor agrees.

I'm really just figuring this out myself! That video by Lars was an eye opener... I had seriously wondered why my Shorty was able to turn so tight.

Most off-the-shelf boards are pretty similar... which is really lame.

Big White, BC, Canada

Wild Cherry
On The Board Moderator
Joined: 12 months ago
Posts: 384

Posted by: @board-doctor

Most off-the-shelf boards are pretty similar... which is really lame.


Yeah...  When you commit to building hundreds of boards before the season even begins there's some risk to doing something out of the normal range.  Just remember, whatever propaganda the marketing departments are spewing, these are corporations whose primary goal is profit.  They're not necessarily motivated to make the best boards, they are trying to sell the most boards.  And when these two goals conflict, don't be surprised that they'll take the safe route.

I'm just slaying...

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Posts: 8

I switched from K2 Cinch (plastic) bindings to Ride A-series (aluminum) bindings and it made a world of difference.  The stiffness of the new bindings made board react to my feet noticeably quicker.  Upgrading my boots to a BOA (turny thing) made a good bit of difference too.  I can get boot too tight with BOAs.  

Always take your boots with you when buying bindings, and make sure they interface well!  (Same with goggles and helmet)

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