Binding Angles, how much is bad?
Ever since I saw a Giant Slalom Competition I knew I had to Carve with Hard boots, but I also noticed that they always had very steep Binding Angles.
I am currently running +45 / +35 and am thinking of going to +45 / +40 or +50 / +40. (Other recomendations are also happily excepted)
When I was watching all the Secrets of Snowboard Carving, James sugested +21 / +6, which got me wondering if having such a steep Angle is actually a good thing. I see a lot of discusion of that you should be positive on both, but little discussion of if it makes sense to go very steep.
I curently have a F2 Firebird, shoe size 10.5 US Men, so it is wide enough I don't have to be in the almost straight position, like on a Speedster, so should I lay off of the angle a bit, or is more agressive better?
Also is it better to have both feet at a similar angle at the more agressive angles, or is a difference, such as 5 or 10 degrees good?
Thanks in advance, I hope I am not asking a question that has been asked a million times.
Posted by: @xavolionI am currently running +45 / +35 and am thinking of going to +45 / +40 or +50 / +40. (Other recommendations are also happily excepted)
For HARD BOOT setups generally 60/55 are good angles. You'll want some heel lift in the back foot and toe lift in the front, most hard boot bindings provide for this lift (these are the little plastic shims that come with the F2 bindings, for example).
Posted by: @xavolionWhen I was watching all the Secrets of Snowboard Carving, James suggested +21 / +6
I don't think I said that... +27/+12 was what I remember recommending for SOFT BOOT carving. This season I'm riding +27/+18 with three degrees of heel and toe lift (Trenched Canted Risers). It feels better and there's less boot drag. Anything in this range will do (+30/+15 for example).
Posted by: @xavolionAlso is it better to have both feet at a similar angle at the more aggressive angles, or is a difference, such as 5 or 10 degrees good?
Yes. We call this difference "splay". 6 degrees for hardboots, 9 to 15 for soft boots is recommended.
I'm just slaying...
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