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Sugarloaf Maine In The HOUSE!
Topic starter 06/11/2024 8:13 pm
Howdy! First post... coming over from ASB. Thankful for another community & resource. I'm up at Sugarloaf most weekends and random mid week escapes. Hit me up and let's make some turns.
07/11/2024 2:11 am
Yo! Welcome @grip! What's your ASB handle? I'm crackaddict, which was a poor choice of name from back when I was climbing desert cracks almost full time...
I'm just slaying...
Topic starter 08/11/2024 6:54 pm
I’m also Grip over there. Name chosen because I’ve always been told I need to “get a”. Still working on that. Also seems pretty essential factor in turning a snowboard before hitting the trees.
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